What I do
Write every morning.
Work with teenagers and adults.
Work with authors and creative writers.
Help with college app essays.
Offer writing support for a new job search.
Ask lots of questions.
Listen compassionately.
Encourage a growth mindset.
Edit with my plant and prune approach.
Love watching people achieve their goals.
Try to be funny and fail sometimes.
What I Don't Do
Know everything
Judge writing.
Judge ideas.
Judge choices.
Tell people what to do.
Think everyone should love writing.
Guarantee acceptance to dream college
Expect perfection.
Stop trying to be funny.

More Words about Water Leaf
Water Leaf Writing is born out of my love of stories, my desire to share what I know, and the belief that everyone can learn to not only write more effectively but also believe what they say matters, is clarifying, and impacts their potential to thrive and make a difference.
Water Leaf offers college application support, author support, creative writing coaching, transitional writing coaching, and writing workshop facilitation. I am passionate about helping individuals see what is already working while targeting growth areas. Writing required of us during all important transitional moments in our lives usually involves telling stories and honing in on who we are and what we want. You are the protagonist of your story.
The vision is to create a space where everyone’s creative voice is welcome, where learning, growth, and connection are possible through the "delicious" and sometimes agonizing journey of finding your next steps.

"Then the delight, when your courage kindled, and out of you stepped onto new ground, your eyes young again with energy and a dream. A path of plentitude opening before you." John O'Donohu