Not only do I love writing stories, but I also love helping other people dredge up their own, whether on paper or swirling in the air over a walk, cup of coffee, wine, or a shared meal. Or on a porch swing with my grandmother. My favorite time spent with friends or family involves the telling of deep, harrowing stories involving embarrassment, sadness, mistakes, redemption, terror, secrets, adventure, or deep passion.
Some random things about me: I love dichotomies. Humor side by side with sadness is literary brilliance. I have a twin brother who was my first best friend. I write to escape. To create worlds I want to dive into. Realities I want to create. Characters I love and despise at the same time. My first writing mate was a Hello Kitty Journal. I love hiking with my dogs and watching them run up and down the trail. I also love watching my children from afar being themselves in the world.
I wrote a YA novel called The Smell of Bacon which is based on my father's death of AIDS in 1989. Every single character represents a small part of me and is entirely separate from me at the exact same time. I'm trying to find someone to believe in it as much as I do. My current project is a short story collection based on color. Stay tuned!

First grade me in 1981 in the coolest mustard scarf and hair perfectly framing my face like a soft helmet.
My three children in 2016 in Wyoming, conversing with horses.

“That was the summer when everything we would become was hovering just over our heads.” Junot Díaz, This Is How You Lose Her